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  • Pinacoteca di Brera - Napoleon as Mars the Peacemaker statue

Cultural Institutions Workshop

The "Cultural Institutions Workshop" will be held on Thursday 15th September 2022, one of the first actions for direct involvement with the 4CH target community organized by the project. The event will aim to understand the needs of cultural institutions [...]

  • View of Florence

4CH adapts to new challenges

The 4th Interim Meeting of the project partners was held recently as a hybrid event in Florence and on Zoom. After 18 months, everything is progressing well as described by each of the Work Package leaders for their specific activities. [...]

  • 4CH stand at Digital Assembly 2022: A closer look into the digital future
  • Replicas of Duke of Richelieu statue, Odessa

SUM presented at Digital Assembly 2022

The SUM initiative (Save the Ukraine Monuments) was prominently featured at Digital Assembly 2022: A closer look into the digital future. The two-day event, co-organised by the European Commission and the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, [...]

  • Prof Sorin Hermon - interview host

First interviews with experts published

The first two videos with experts from organisations working for the 4CH project have been published on the website and can be accessed in the dedicated section. Hosted by Sorin Hermon from the Cyprus Institute, the first video (3:58) is [...]

  • CH in the Challenge of Climate Change image

Cultural Heritage in the Challenge of Climate Change

In 1982, ICOMOS established 18 April as International Monuments and Sites Day, followed by its adoption by UNESCO at its 22nd General Conference. Each year, on this occasion, ICOMOS proposes a theme for the activities to be organised by its [...]