Case Study 5: ARIADNE: Best practice for data management in archaeology and CH
Introduction ARIADNE is a Research Infrastructure for Archaeology which promotes best practice relating to all aspects of data management, from creation to archiving. Over the last 10 years, ARIADNE has evolved into a major resource [...]
Case Study 4: Volunteering and partnership from the field to the exhibition: aspects of public archaeology in the Hungarian National Museum
Introduction In March of 2022, a temporary exhibition was opened in Budapest, presenting the results of the Public Archaeology Programme of the Hungarian National Museum (HNM). The exhibition, entitled ‘A Treasured Community’ is a tribute [...]
Case Study 3: Use of scientific methods to investigate the azulejos of the Capela de São Roque in Lisbon
Introduction Azulejos are hand crafted tin glazed tileworks found across Portugal and Spain. In Portugal, these tiles are a major cultural trait, originating from the 16th C to the present day and frequently depict scenes, [...]
Case Study 2: Preservation and conservation of Choirokoitia, a Neolithic settlement
Originally discovered in 1936, the Neolithic site of Choirokoitia was awarded World Heritage Status in 1998 which places a number of obligations on the institutions responsible for the management of the site. These include planning [...]
Case Study 1: Using 3D Reconstruction and story-telling to bring the past to life
Ename, a small, local heritage site and museum in north west Belgium with some notable artefacts has used 3D technologies to reconstruct its Abbey as it evolved over several centuries. By using story-telling to create [...]
First 4CH Annual Meeting Summary
The first Annual Meeting of the 4CH project was held on Thursday the 8th July with over 70 people attending the Zoom meeting which was chaired by Francesco Taccetti, INFN. After a short welcome, the [...]