4CH hosted a meeting and a workshop at tourismA in Florence. On Friday morning, the 30th September, the 4CH meeting focused on the perspectives and the strategies for the Italian Competence Centre. Francesco Taccetti introduced the project and its current status to the audience, then there were two contributions from the Advisory Board. In the second part of the meeting, institutions involved in the protection and provision of analytical services to Italian Cultural Heritage presented on what the Italian CC would mean for them: Gilberto Saccorotti from the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Valeria Spizzichino from The National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), Sara Abram from Fondazione Centro Conservazione e Restauro dei Beni Culturali La Venaria Reale (CCR – La Venaria Reale) and David Chelazzi from the Center for Colloid and Surface Science (CSGI).
On Saturday morning, the 1st October, the “Cultural Institutions and Competence Centre: the 4CH project collects best practices” workshop was held. This started with a video contribution from Fulgencio Sanmartìn (European Commission) Project Officer of 4CH project, followed by an update of the projects done by Francesco Taccetti, 4CH coordinator, with a special focus on the SUM (Save the Ukraine Monuments) initiative. This were followed by presentations from a number of speakers from museums, research and restoration centres and regional heritage departments who shared best practices in restoration, digitalisation, accessibility and valorisation.